Administrator Benefits

East Lee Middle School, NC (ELM)

ELM has 750 students and 30 classrooms. A device caching service called URcast was deployed in 8 classrooms over the period January 6 to February 6, 2014. During that period, 8 teachers and 250 students used the system to access educational content and other learning resources.

All content transfers were measured and the measurements were logged by the system. The following analysis extrapolates from measurements of the 8 classrooms where the system was used, estimating total consumption and savings if URcast had been deployed to all 30 classrooms.

  Millions of bytes per month Change
Data consumed per student 1,314  
Usage of external Internet connection (whole school) WAN No URcast: 985,699
With URcast: 1,613
99.8% reduction (>100x)
Usage of in-school Local Area Network No URcst: 985,699
With URcast: 1,084,269
10% increase (overhead)

WAN usage was reduced because content was downloaded only one time from the external Internet by a teacher, and then distributed within the school to students and to other teachers that wanted to reuse the content. A small increase in usage of the in-school Local Area Network occurred due to the overhead of operating the URcast system. This increase had no cost impact for the school since LAN capacity was not a bottleneck. In exchange, the system significantly reduced usage of the expensive external Internet connection.